Friday, November 03, 2006

To be or not to be? These folk chose to be

This mob is the line-up of Kings and Queens for the 2006 Manjimup Cherry Harmony Festival.
At the launch they revealed themselves as more than competent speakers and a couple even took over and began standup comedy routines.
The audience loved them, their parents loved them, their confidence soared and all was accomplished with not a drop of local wine spilt.
And there was plenty of that, local wine, because Manjimup is set in a fine wine producing belt.
There was also fine marron, fine fetta, fine food all round, fine conversation and a couple of deals were made in the south eastern corner of the marquee.
All in all, the young folk stole the show and, apart from the old bloke squatting in the middle, all in the photo have an excellent future.